Good afternoon everyone, Tyrus here. Time for another report.
First, after a LOT of trouble, chapter 11 is almost complete. I'm still working on the book, but hopefully everything after chapter 11 will go by faster. Not much else to say past that, I still want to write, but I've been working a lot at my job and haven't had too much time to do that. I'm still progressing on the book despite everything else though. Second, just to make these reports a little more fun, I want to start introducing incorrect quotes! If you don't know, incorrect quotes are quotes that you could imagine a specific character or cast of characters saying, even though they didn't actually say it. I think they're funny, and maybe you'll find them funny too! I don't have a real reason other than "It would be funny." Third, my personal life is doing okay. It's been VERY cold where I live so I can't do much outside. I'd rather just stay home and hang when I'm not working. It's supposed to warm up again in a few days, so I'd like to go on a few walks outside to clear my head. Working so much at my job and the feeling that I haven't been writing much really hurts, so I want to try and get a fresh mind. It's a rather small report today, but that's just because I haven't done much since the last report. That's all for this report. I hope everyone has a great day, and continues to anticipate the next installment in The Advent Novel series! Incorrect quote: Eris: Hey, do you know anyone who can teach me to play the trumpet? Flash: Why? Eris: I want to wander around playing it to annoy Scott. Flash: Technically, you don’t actually need to know how to play the trumpet well for that. Eris: Flash, you have opened my eyes.
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Good morning everybody. Tyrus here with yet another report. Let's begin.
First of all, I am rewriting chapter eleven for the third time now. I struggled to answer the questions I posed last time with half of the chapter done, so hopefully this will be the last rewrite of the chapter. I'm dropping any filler elements while keeping what I want for the chapter. The story will still be important, and what I originally planned will still happen, just in a different way. The writer's block I've faced for the last few weeks has really been kicking my ass, but I think I finally got it done. I'm obviously not going to get everything right on the first attempt; mistakes and rewrites happen. It's all just a part of the process. Speaking of which, whilst thinking of new ideas for the chapter I had a very specific idea for one of the main characters...suffering builds character, and this new idea will really get them built. I won't say what it is, but I imagine it will be one of the highlights of the story, and a very memorable scene. Secondly, I once again want to thank anyone and everyone who has bought my book. A co-worker bought one from me and said his reasoning was "Because I'm a good person." That's a mentality I want to keep for most of my life. I want to be someone who does good things for everyone. Hopefully, if I "make it," I can still make people happy, and inspire others to write things they want, or just create something cool. If you HAVE bought my book, PLEASE write a review on whatever platform you bought the book from! Hearing your reviews really does help my motivation, and I'm always happy to hear everyone's thoughts. What could I add to the book to make it better? What are your praises and criticisms? What do you think will happen next? I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on these matters! Third and finally, I hope everyone is staying safe out there. The world is pretty scary right now, and things seem uncertain for the future. But I have faith that everything will work out in the end. If you're someone who's in a bad place right now, just know that I am rooting for you, and I want you to succeed in life. Everyone has value to the world, and everyone can make an impact on society. So, I encourage everyone to go live their lives to the fullest, and do the things you've always wanted to do. My mentality is "Create the most positive impact, and the least negative impact." So, I'll be doing that, and I hope you guys will be doing the same. That's all for this report. I hope everyone has a great day, and continues to anticipate the next installment in The Advent Novel series! Good morning everybody, welcome back to another Update Report.
First of all, progress is still progressing. I've been reevaluating some of the elements I'll be including in the novel as I don't want anything to feel forced. I want to keep the book's flow natural, and the story continuous, as nobody wants to read filler. Here's what I do when I try to decide what I want to write in: I ask myself a few questions. "Would somebody want to read this?" "Will this matter later in the book?" "Does this scene have a necessary or relevant trait that will stick for the rest of the book?" "Does this change anything important in what we know right now?" If I can't answer those questions very well, then I scrap it. Chapter Eleven was going to start with something rather irrelevant, so I'm changing it so it still transitions into something important later. Second of all, I've been trying to transition back into writing every day, even if it's not a lot. I was told this when I was taking a writing class: "You can edit a single sentence, but you can't edit a blank page." I try to take this seriously, not only is it inspiring but it's also true. If you yourself are wanting to write a book or something similar, take that advice! Even if you write just one sentence every day, you will EVENTUALLY get the book done. Knowing this, I'm trying to keep the ball rolling across the keyboard and finish this book. It'll still be a while before it's done, but I hope you readers are still excited! Third and finally, this may seem out of the blue, but if you have someone who you love, make sure they know you love them. An unfortunate accident happened with a close family member, and they're currently in the hospital. I know I don't talk about my family much, but please tell the ones you love how much they mean to you. Sorry to end off on such a bleak note, I hope you forgive me. I'll keep writing and working on this book! Thank you for your support, and I hope you continue to anticipate the next installment in the Advent Novel series! Good morning, Happy New Year, and hello everyone! Tyrus here, with another update report.
First, I took some time off work to spend time with my friends and family and didn't write much. It was nice to take a break after writing almost every day. I'm going to try and get back into the rhythm. I promise the book will be finished this year. My New Years Resolution is to get this second book finished and published! Secondly, I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and good parties all around. I had a good break from work and writing, but do want to get back into writing every day again, like I did with book 1. While this new year is leaving a lot of people feeling uncertain, doesn't every year do that? I don't know what will happen this year, but I'm going to try and face it best I can. Third, some personal highlights of 2024 for me: Obviously, I finished and published my book this year! A very exciting feat that I haven't stopped talking about since it happened. I'm sure 14 year old me who wanted to be a game designer at the time is absolutely amazed at what I did. In terms of things I enjoyed this year, I can definitely say Persona 3 Reload was my game of the year, and Sonic 3 was my movie of the year. Also, Dragon Ball Daima is probably my anime of the year. Never thought I'd live to see SSJ3 Vegeta become canon, yet here we are. Alright, I'm just rambling now, but I hope you enjoyed this update report. Here's to a good new year, and I hope you continue to anticipate the next installment in the Advent Novel Series! Hey guys, Tyrus here. Sorry for the late report, there was some stuff I had to do yesterday and didn’t really have the time to make the report. But anyway, let’s start.
First up, book progress is going well. I’ve been pushing myself to write more consistently, and I think I’ve written the most brutal fight scene yet! I hope you guys look forward to it. It’s also the longest chapter I’ve written yet, almost twice the length of a normal chapter. Things get REALLY bloody in book 2! Secondly, I think I put off this report for a day because…I don’t really have much else to say. Progress is progress, and progress is doing okay. Man, you guys got a bad deal, a delayed AND short report. Thirdly, my personal life is doing okay. Still just trying to get my book out there and have people read it. Christmas is coming up, and I hope you’re all excited. If you don’t celebrate Christmas, hopefully you enjoy the holidays anyhow! I cannot wait for the snow to melt, I’m already sick of the cold. Sorry there wasn’t much in this report. Progress is coming. The book is still being made, and I hope I have something better to share with you guys next time. Thank you for your support, and I hope you continue to anticipate the next installment in the Advent Novel series! Hello everyone. Tyrus here yet again. You know the drill, let's just start.
First of all, Book's progress is good. I feel like I'm getting more motivated to finish this book. I'm still making good progress, even if I say that in every update...My job, thankfully, isn't eating up too much of my time, so I should still have plenty of time to finish the book. But that's to say, a January finish date is not possible, haha. Even if I doubled the amount I wrote every day I doubt I could get it done. So I guess I'll just say, "It's ready when it's ready." Secondly, do you remember that "cool thing" I teased last time? There's another page on the website now called "Our Cast!" It shows the characters currently seen in the novel and a short description of them! The character illustrations were done by an artist I met named Iris Griffin, and there's a link to her information on the page if you're curious about her works! There's also a cool little display that a friend coded because the normal one you can use on Weebly didn't really look nice. Thanks, Blu. I hope to get more character illustrations when book 2 releases, and I want to do that with every book I make from here on out. You get a visual idea of what the characters look like, and it helps keep track of the cast as they grow! Thirdly...I don't really have a third thing here. Christmas is coming up, so that's cool. I hope you all enjoy that when it comes. Me personally, I'm just sick of hearing the same, like, ten Christmas songs be played on repeat non-stop at work. Other than that, I don't mind Christmas. I was once asked if my book was a Christmas book because it takes place at the end of the year or if it's a Christian book because it has the word "Advent." The answer to both is no. The Oceanids in The Advent don't celebrate human holidays, and the book is FAR from Christian friendly. I'm pointing that out. That's all for this report. Please go check out the new page! And as always, thanks for your support and anticipation of the next installment in The Advent novel series! Hello everyone, Tyrus here. Time for yet another report.
Firstly, progress has, admittedly been slow. I've been working a lot and have struggled with writing some parts of the book. I'm not so sure a January finish day is possible any more, but I'll still try to finish it as soon as possible. As I believe I mentioned before, I already have everything outline of what I want to happen, I just need to actually write everything. As of today, the book currently sits at 24087 words. The first book was about 55k words, and I, once again, plan to make book 2 longer, so I'd say I'm only about 40%~ done. Maybe the book will be around 60-70k words. Depending on how I write, we'll just have to wait and see. Secondly, I will say something special is coming soon! I won't say much yet, but I have been working with somebody else to make something special happen on this website soon. There's going to be a new addition with something cool. I won't say much, but in the next update report, hopefully it will be done. Thirdly, if possible, I would like everyone who has read my book so far to please leave a review somewhere! Whether it's on amazon, indigo, etc., I'd love to hear your thoughts about what you read! Hearing your feedback helps me grow as a writer and gives me a lot of motivation. As I've mentioned before, I write because I want to make an impact. So, please, tell me how much the story impacted you! Tell me what you liked, disliked, and your general thoughts about my style! Even a small "I liked it" really helps my motivation, so please leave a review wherever you can! That's all for this update report. Thank you for your support, and I hope you continue to anticipate the next installment in The Advent series! Hello everyone, Tyrus here.
Today's my birthday! I am now 20 years old! To my personal friends and family, thank you all so much for the birthday wishes. I got a cool new monitor that I'm hoping I can use to writer better! Hoping this next year of my life is better than the last and I can improve even more as a person and an author. Thanks for the wishes, here's to another year! Hello everyone. Tyrus here. Time for another update report.
First, progress on book 2 has been slower than I would like...I've been busy with work and other stuff. Persona 3 Reload has had me in a chokehold for the past few weeks. But! Progress is progress, and I'm still going to get it done! I'm going to really push this next two weeks to try and make up for lost time. Chapter 7 is being worked on and I have a good idea of how I want it to go. Second, I think I'll share a little more detail about what happens in Book 2! As previously mentioned, it will focus more on worldbuilding and lean more towards the adventure side of things. You'll see important worldbuilding elements like the culture of other places, currency, transportation, and foods! It's actually really fun thinking of what kind of stuff would exist fifteen thousand years after humanity has died out and fish people come up on land to rebuild. I spend a LOT of time thinking about my book and how the world works in my spare time. I think I should use that time to actually write though... Thirdly, my personal life...As most of you know, I am proudly Canadian. But I do have a lot of friends from different countries and places. Because I'm not from those places, it makes sense that I shouldn't have too many comments about how the countries should work and what happens there, including politics. And I don't want to talk about politics any more than I need to, because frankly, I feel somewhat conditioned to be scared of the topic whenever it's brought up, but I will just say this for my American friends and readers: I hope all of you stay safe in the coming years. The main reason I became a writer is because I wanted to tell stories. Stories of people in seemingly hopeless situations against unstoppable, undefeatable opponents. I love stories like this, because they can relate to reality at times. But, at least in my stories, those people rise up and overcome the horrible obstacles that are thrown their way. So...I hope everyone who reads my stories finds a little bit of hope and inspiration in them. I genuinely want to give people some joy, entertainment and hope from my stories, and I hope I deliver on that promise. Apologies for this off-topic and somewhat irrelevant paragraph. I just hope one day we can have a good world where we can all agree on stuff and work together for a brighter world. I will refrain from mentioning politics unless I absolutely have to. With that being said, I hope you all stay hopeful, and anticipate the next installment in The Advent novel series! Hello everyone, Tyrus here again. Time for another update.
I've been making pretty good progress on book 2, and I'm willing to share some details about what you should expect in this sequel. First of all, book 2 will focus more on worldbuilding. The only real place our characters were was the fictional, Canadian-inspired city/town of Shiverbourn. Shiverbourn was mostly inspired by my hometown in Alberta Canada, and the cold of the location sets the scene for a somewhat isolated feeling, similar to how Flash felt for most of the book. But the weather subtly gets a little warmer later in the book, as Flash gets some allies and realizes he's not alone in this fight. The new location was name-dropped as Sol City, a much warmer place than Shiverbourn, meant to give the feeling of life, in contrast to book 1's more dark tone. Sol has a big "Freedom" feeling, since theres a lot of people around who can do almost anything, since there's just so much to do in the big city. There is one more location which will be visited in book 2, but I won't reveal that here. Secondly, I am HOPING to have the book finished by the end of January if I REALLY lock in and finish strong, but I also don't want to rush it like I did with book 1. Book 1 does feel a little rushed when I look back at it, so I want to take a little more time with this one. Writing a book in about 5 months is impressive, if I do say so myself, but I also can't help but feel like there was some missed potential with what I COULD have added. I am working with a bit more freedom this time, because I was working with some limits with book 1. 20 chapters, and only 2500 words per chapter. Definitely not enough to tell the story I wanted to tell, haha! Thirdly, there will be some more characters introduced in book 2, but almost everyone who appeared in book 1 will appear in book 2! Flash and Vyrus are obvious, but also the allies the two gained along the way, and the military gets more involved compared to the brief appearance they had in book 1. There is also a fourth party that gets a big appearance in book 2. Can you guess who they might be? And finally, I'll just have a small segment about my personal life. I am mentally, financially and physically well, though slightly demoralized because of an unrelated, personal event. I feel like I am in good health and spirits to keep writing! I have some pretty good motivation to continue, and I'm hoping it will stay with me for the duration of the book and beyond! I also recently joined Instagram Threads and it is quickly becoming my preferred method of social media! If you haven't followed me there yet, I would really appreciate it if you did! I am much more active there than my other platforms, though I will try to keep updated with all of them. Click to check out my Threads profile! Anyway, that is all for this update report! Thank you all for reading, and I hope you continue to anticipate the next installment of the Advent series! |
AuthorTyrus Cole Tisdale. 20 year old Canadian writer. Creator of The Advent series. Archives
December 2024
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